06 June 2007

Yawning Cubby smushing Tess

This picture was taken about a year and a half ago.

Such a forgiving kitty

Cubby is SO forgiving! Gee whiz. Since he is underfoot literaly 24/7 he get's tripped over or stepped on sometimes. He shrieks, but he doesn't run away! If I step on Jeremy,Tess, (or stepped on Ashley,Mojo, or Maggie) each cat would take off under the bed and I wouldn't see them for an hour. But Cubby shakes his paw off and returns his adoring gaze upward to my eyes.

Pardon me.

I'm trying to get the old posts to be first on the page. All of the setting changes are taking effect except for this one. Hmmm.

order of things

I'm trying to figure out what all the various settings are by creating three posts. I'd like the oldest ones first. That's how a book is after all.


OK Folks,

This is it: "Baby's first blog." (He he he.) I was inspired by my sister Anne and my friends Jason and Lauren.

Why the title "New Life For Cubby?" Well, I couldn't think of anyhting profound. No, Cubby isn't getting a job or starting a new business. I adopted him (oh wait, wait.....Cubby is a CAT for those of you who don't know him.) circa April 2005 from a friend from work. She had him for the first 7 months of his life and then wasn't in a place where she was able to kep him. SO I adopted him. He's doing WONDERFUL Sarah! There really is NOBODY on earth like Cubby.

OK, that's enough for now. My hands are getting too numb.