08 June 2007

Mom's root canal

Mom tells the funniest stories in the world!! Here is her story and drawing of her root canal revision from today.

"This morning I had Part The Second of probably the first of several root canals! AACCKKK!! It was awful! Mouth open for 1.5 hours, blood rushing to head due to being inverted, breathing restricted due to tooth having to wear a little cape that flopped over nose, dreadful noises at every turn. I suddenly felt deep panic (along with a hot flash) and wanted to run screaming from the office. However, my biofeedback from days of yore kicked in and I was able to endure.
This is how it looked:"

Jeremy,Tess and Cubby sun bathing together:

Painting the bathroom

I've had several buckets of paint hanging around for a couple of months now in my (bigger) bathroom. AT one point I painted a 3x3 foot area to see if I liked the color. But that's as far as it got. The paint buckets have gathered dust. Because of how I've been feeling lately, I never completed (OK, started really) the project.

In the last month or so, I've really put an effort into cleaning the place up and DOING projects that I've been planning since I bought the place almost three years ago. I've had a professional organizer come a few times to help me with the "clutter" and she was AWESOME. She's really helped motivate me into de-cluttering my place. (www.newlifeorganizing.com) Together we have cleared paths and one day we did my entire garage! Yeeaaaa!!! Now I have room out there to put more stuff. LOL!! Marilyn said it helps to group like things together. I had home improvement stuff (tools, screws, nails, paint supplies) scattered throughout my house. I couldn't find half the stuff. Now I have it ALL out in the garage in colored bins that I've had for a while without really utilizing them.

ANYWAY, back to the paint. I have some really easy snap-together 4-tiered shelves in the hallway right outside the bathroom door. This afternoon I am putting all the bathroom stuff on these shelves: towels, soap, fixture plates, and light switch plates, removable wall shelves. Etc. Now I am putting all that tedious, necessary blue painter's tape up. Zzzzzz, nap inducing! Tomorrow I'll do the actual painting part! The BASE COLOR: a periwinkle. GLAZE COLOR: dark purple. Stay tuned!