14 June 2007

I can't explain it!

I can't explain it. I don't know why it happens, how it happens and sometimes it scares the (fill in the blank) out of me. Here's what transpires: I will e thinking of a certain scene from a certain episode of a show. Then the next day, the episode of that show was on!! I'd say this started a few years ago. It didn't *seem* to be anything more than a coincidence.

In the last few months, the events have become more frequent. Sometimes it happens several times a week, scattered throughout the week and sometimes it happens in clusters. It happened today. I was thinking YESTERDAY of a certain Oprah guest. It was a fleeting thought. But today I watched Oprah and the guest WAS ON. Now, mind you, I hadn't seen any previews for today's show. Monday I was thinking of a particular scene of a particular episode of Law&Order: SVU and that evening, IT WAS ON! Again, hadn't seen previews. Tuesday it happened again and it freaked me out, I dropped Jeremy. (Fortunately he walked away unscathed.) Sometimes it's a song that I think of on the radio and then hear, sometimes it's a scene from a TV show. In any case a BIG: Hhmmmmmmmm!!!!


Does this hand look familiar? Does it remind you of something? Years ago when I was in High School I painted my room. At the "primer" stage, I put my feet in the primer and made foot prints on the closet door. :-) Tradition carries ON. Just above the hand you can sort of see the second coat of paint. In this photo, though, it looks maroon. It's not. It's dark purple.


Any suggestions (to improve the look of the pictures below) are welcome!


SEE PICTURES BELOW. Last night around 8pm I got my second wind. I painted the areas that I probably should have done LAST. They say you should do the trim first and corners and the like, but I did the large empty wall areas that were easy to get to.

This morning I woke with another headache. I think this one is a Chiari and pressure HA. This morning, still groggy with sleep, I opened the door to the bigger bathroom and at first I was a bit startled. For an instant I had forgotten that I did the painting. It's very pretty: a very dark grape-ish sort of purple. I am pleased....with the COLOR that is. I know I'll have to do several coats.

painting resumed