25 July 2007

Niiiiiiiice Boeing 747.....there, there.

He he he.....just sitting here at the Detroit Airport using time until my flight to Minneapolis. That's not my plane over my shoulder. This 747 is going to Tokyo in two hours. My plane leaves at 3:08pm, so hopefully these approaching storms will roll over the area by then!!

I had a WONDERFUL time in Ithaca with family and friends. It's always too short a time spent with them! No matter if it's 2 days or 10 days. I got to meet a new cousin while at home and did a lot of laughing with aunts,parents and the like. There's a funny dancing fountain about 100 feet from my chair here. It always attracts photographers young and old with it's timed choreographed aquatic production. The water looks like dancing snakes!!

More later.

15 July 2007


A,B orC picture doesn't really show the TRUE colors of the paint. But you can sort of see the dragonfly towel nearby. I think I like B the best. It's a pale blue.

A,B or C ???

14 July 2007

Starting Over

I consulted a paint lady at Home Depot today. She said I could just put primer over the purple mess that's there, so that's what I did. The primer is brighter than the white that was there originally so there are spots that look yellow-ish. I finnished the primer and picked up most of my drop cloths. I left the blue tape on the trim, but for now and for a while, I just want my bathroom back!

13 July 2007

Glaze Color

I did the glaze color today on my bathroom (and garage for practice) walls. My head is pounding and my right cheek is strawberry red and hot. This is what happens! ANY exertion what-so-ever does this. The glaze color on top of the base doesn't look that good. It just looks sloppy. I'm wondering now if I should just paint it all white again and start over. Can you do that though????? Keep painting over coats over coats over coats?? Wouldn't that make the room eventually smaller? :-)